Our Pastor

Eugene and Shawn met at Blue Ridge Bible College in Rocky Mount, Virginia. After graduating from Bible school, they were married in 1994. They have three children, Sarah, Micah, and Enoch. For ten years, the Seiberts ministered in music, youth pastoring, and assistant pastoring at a church in NY prior to CCF. They have been blessed to serve as pastors here since 2010. As a congregation, we are also blessed to have them as our Pastors.
Meet The Team

Danny Cole
Danny Cole is a Cecil County, MD, resident and has been attending CCF since a boy. He has been married to his wonderful wife, Vanessa Marie, since 1997. He is blessed with three children and 12 grandchildren. He has worked in the automotive refinishing industry most of his life. He enjoys being actively involved with his church family here at CCF. He has been a part of the Children's Ministry Team for many years and enjoys teaching first and second-graders. He is grateful to be a part of the leadership team at CCF and is excited about the great things God has in store for this church body and the community.

Ray Heller
Ray Heller lives in Lancaster County, PA. He and his wife, Suzanne, have been coming to CCF since January 2000. Ray and Suzanne were married on July 24, 1970. They have three children, five grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. They spent several years teaching Jr High Sunday school. Ray retired from Kimberly Clark in 2009 after 35 years as a maintenance electrician. He has spent over 30 years as a volunteer fireman. He enjoys serving as an usher and working around the church.

Abi Aghayere
Abi Aghayere is a follower of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and was graciously saved in the spring of 1985. He married his "forever bride," Josie, in 1985. They have four grown children and one grandson. Abi and Josie - also saved in 1985 - first came to CCF in December 2017. Abi is a structural engineer and a university professor, and Josie was a food service manager prior to her retirement in 2022.